Air purifier with anti-virus effect

Most people see good, clean air as a matter of course. But invisible risks can lurk in the air. When we breathe, speak or cough, we emit aerosols into the air which contain infectious viruses. They can remain in the air for several hours.
Outdoors, for example in parks, air movements disperse these aerosols relatively quickly. However, the picture is different in closed rooms where there is usually little exchange of air. The best way to ensure a rapid exchange of air is regular ventilation. You can open a window wide, or to get even more fresh air faster, open two windows or doors opposite each other for a through-flow.

Air purifiers help eliminate viruses
In interiors, air purifiers can provide additional protection alongside regular ventilation, social distancing, washing your hands and wearing a mask. This is important above all in rooms with several people. Unlike ventilation, air purifiers constantly remove viruses from the indoor air and halve the aerosol concentration within a short time. (Source) An air purifier not only reduces viruses and germs in the indoor air. It also removes other harmful particles such as house dust and pollen.
Source: Christian J. Kähler, Thomas Fuchs, Rainer Hain, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 2020
Air purifier and humidifier (hybrid) with extra anti-virus effect
Furthermore, it has been shown that a relative humidity of 45% minimizes virus activity. (Source) However, colder weather in the autumn and winter means that people turn the heating up. Heating draws moisture from the air so it is usually too dry and the humidity drops below 45%. The warmer the air is, the more water vapour it can retain. Conversely, cold air stores less water and is drier. So in winter the air is usually drier than in summer.
The link between infectious load and relative humidity
[see among others W. Hugentobler: Neueste Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss von Luftfeuchte auf Lebensdauer und Verbreitung von Viren, presentation, 17th Forum Arbeitsmedizin, Deggendorf 2016]
![Graphic: Dependence of infectivity on relative humidity. [cf. among others W. Hugentobler: Neueste Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss von Luftfeuchte auf Lebensdauer und Verbreitung von Viren, Lecture, 17.Forum Arbeitsmedizin, Deggendorf 2016]](

If central heating in winter additionally heats up the already dry air, it doesn’t automatically pick up more moisture. Obviously, if no moisture is available in the room, the air can’t absorb any. This is what creates warm yet dry air in heated rooms, which increases virus activity. But opening the window too often in winter is not the ideal solution, because it reduces the relative humidity in the room.
A hybrid air purifier with humidification function helps you reduce viruses in the air while also ensuring optimal humidity in your rooms.
Here’s what to look out for when buying an air purifier:
- The performance must match the room size and number of people
- Not every appliance filters viruses and aerosols out of the air
- HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters of class H13 or H14
- If the packaging does not state the filter type, but only particle sizes, this information can help: viruses such as influenza are approximately 0.08 µm to 0.12 µm in size and the SARS-CoV-2 virus measures around 0.12 to 0.16 µm.
- Also check whether the appliance works with ozone. This can release additional hazardous substances into the air.

Air purifier with anti-virus effect
Especially if you want to use an air purifier to filter out viruses and germs, the right combination of filters is essential. That’s why we’ve developed a high-performance yet extremely quiet four-filter air purifier that achieves outstanding results. Our Professional AP902 features a highly efficient, certified H14 filter that reliably reduces the virus load in the air.
Do you want optimal humidification as well as purification? Then the Hybrid Professional AH902 is the ideal solution. It simultaneously humidifies and purifies your indoor air. In automatic mode, the highly sensitive sensor technology detects and controls both factors completely independently from each other. This ensures an optimal indoor air quality as well as a humidity of 40-60%.
Venta air purifier with patented filter technology
Venta allergen, virus and fine dust filters featuring our patented Nelior Twin Air technology (H14 filters) filter out:
- Viruses such as the airborne corona and influenza viruses
- Bacteria
- Mould spores
- House dust & dust mites
- Pollen and allergens
- Pet hair
- Skin flakes
- Hazardous fine dusts (PM1)

The air purifier filters out 99.995% of particles down to a size of 0.07 µm.
Thanks to highly sensitive fine dust sensor technology, the appliance reacts immediately to excessive levels of harmful substances and automatically adjusts its purifying performance. So you can enjoy clean air at home or at work. All without ozone emissions.