Step by Step Onboarding
Venta Home helps get you started and takes you step-by-step through the initial setup process, making it easy for you to begin using your appliance. If you own several appliances, you can allocate and configure each appliance to a specific room.

Set up your Venta Product according to your needs and preferences
Treat yourself and your guests to optimal air quality at home. Once the unit is set up and in operation, you can easily check the most important information at a glance and control the product based on your needs. Choose the room and unit from the overview and monitor room air quality through measured values like humidity and temperature. The Venta home also informs you if an error occurs and gives you first-hand guidance to immediately eliminate the issue, by reminding you to fill the water tank or change hygiene disk, for example.

Your information center and guide for healthier room air
The Venta Home App also supports you as a guide, because the Venta devices compatible with Air Connect* transmit relevant readings to the app, which enable you to keep an eye on the air data anytime and anywhere.
In the event of critical values, the app provides support with recommendations for action as well as information on possible causes. By checking the up to 6-level color code (according to AQI)**, it is quickly clear, for example, whether the fine dust content in the air is elevated - then it is time to ventilate the room well.
Depending on the device, you will receive information on up to eight different types of room air readings: temperature, humidity, VOC gases1, fine dust (PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10)2, carbon dioxide CO2 and formaldehyde.
The values can also be reviewed over time - with hourly, daily and monthly evaluations. This enables changes in room air to be tracked and promotes the development of healthier living.
Organise rooms - each unit is assigned to a room
We think in terms of rooms and want healthy air in each room and information about what the air quality, humidity, temperature is like in the rooms. With Venta Home, you can assign the unit to a room and monitor and control it per room.

Simple settings with predefined modes
Predefined modes like Sleep, TV/Relax, Summer/Allergy, Automatic, and Turbo make operation even easier. For instance, you can activate the TV mode with one click to enable quiet operation or enable the AeroStyle to generate a warm LED color tone.
Your advantages at a glance:
- Step by Step Onboarding
- Easy remote control and monitoring for optimal indoor air quality
- Room temperature, humidity and air quality always in view
- Easy control with predefined modes
- View serivice displays
- Manual control of the devices
- Configuration of rooms - each device is assigned to a room
- Simultaneous control and monitoring of multiple Venta WiFi devices in different rooms .

Available for the following Venta appliances:
- AS100 AirSense ECO
- AS150 AirSense PRO
- AeroStyle Air Humidifier LW73 (optional)
- AeroStyle Air Humidifier LW74 (optional)
- Professional Air Humidifier AW902
- Professional Air Purifier AP902
- Professional Humidifier AH902
- App Control Humidifier LW60T Wi-Fi
- App Control Humidifier LW62T Wi-Fi
- App Control Wi-Fi Humidifier LW62
- App Control Air Purifier LP60 Wi-Fi
- App Control Airwasher LPH60 Wi-Fi
It's that simple: Download the Venta Home App from the Google Playstore or the Apple App Store (iOS) or use the QR Code. Then register via the Venta App in the Venta Cloud. Now use the app's search function.
If your WiFi password contains special characters, you can convert your entire password to a HEX code here:
The entered data will not be saved.
* Air Connect: Venta devices that are standardly equipped with a WLAN connection are AeroStyle AW73/74 WiFi, WiFi App Control, the Professional range and the AirSense range.
** 6-level color code: White = no action required, Yellow/Orange = attention required, Red/Dark Red/Brown = action required.
1 VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds): air pollutants from building products or interior decoration: e.g. floor coverings, wallpaper and wall paints, varnishes, adhesives as well as furniture or heating systems. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/themen/gesundheit/umwelteinfluesse-auf-den-menschen/chemische-stoffe/fluechtige-organische-verbindungen
2 Fine dust: particulate matter that consists of a complex mix of solid and liquid particles and is divided into different categories according to size. A distinction is made between PM10 (PM, particulate matter) with a maximum diameter of 10 micrometers (µm) and PM2.5 and ultrafine particles with a diameter of less than 0.1 µm. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/themen/luft/luftschadstoffe-im-ueberblick/feinstaub