Humidifiers in bedrooms

Ideal air humidity in your bedroom
Your bedroom is a place of retreat where you can dream and of course sleep. You spend six to 10 hours in your bedroom – at least a quarter of your day. So a good climate in the bedroom is important. But it’s not so easy to maintain the recommended humidity of between 40 and 60 % and the optimal temperature of 16 to 18°C. These values apply all year round, whether winter or summer. Any deviation from them can affect the quality of your sleep.

Dry air in your bedroom?
Especially in winter, when it’s cold and nasty outside, our natural urge is to curl up in a cosy bedroom. But heating removes moisture from the air in rooms. The same applies to hot summer weather.
Yet if the air is too moist, you face similar problems. Additionally, high humidity can lead to mould.
What causes dry air in bedrooms?
What exactly do we mean by dry air? Surely it’s good when it’s raining or snowing outside to be nice and dry inside? The clear answer is no! Of course you don’t want tropical conditions in your home. But very dry air is just as unpleasant. As in many areas of life, somewhere in the middle is just right. Air humidity describes the proportion of water vapour in the air. In addition to nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases, air also contains water vapour. A little-known fact is that the water vapour content depends partly on air pressure and temperature: The warmer the air, the more water it can absorb. Conversely, cold air stores less water and is drier. When dry air heats up due to underfloor or other heating, it doesn’t automatically pick up more moisture. Obviously, if no moisture is available in the room, the air can’t absorb any. This is what creates warm yet dry air in heated rooms.

The easy way to healthy air for a good night’s sleep
You want to live life to the full, sleep soundly at night, and start the day fresh and energised. Your bedroom should be a place where you can switch off and recharge your batteries.
A good room climate is important for healthy sleep, and this is where Venta Humidifiers are invaluable. A Humidifier helps you achieve the ideal humidity of 40 to 60% in your bedroom all year round. For example, it moistens dry air caused by heating.
Here’s how the Venta principle works
A fan directs the ambient air into the water-filled Humidifier, where it travels through specially arrayed disk stacks. Hygienically clean air evaporates from their surfaces into the room. Simultaneously, the stacks trap harmful substances such as dust or pollen, which are then washed off in the water and collected in the Humidifier.